Description is a website that connects injury attorneys with people who've been injured in car accidents and other types of incidents.

We list only personal injury lawyers who meet the following criteria:
1) 50% or more of their practice is dedicated to personal injury.
2) Minimum 10 years of experience.
3) Each attorney must currently be in good standing with their respective state Bar associations and maintain malpractice insurance – which is not legally required for attorneys in most states.
Address Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles
United States of America
Practice areas Insurance Law, Personal Injury
  • 100/5
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
5/5 based on 2 votes.
Listing views 169 listing views.
Submission Date 02:24:2018 (Edited)

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Latitude: 34.0616912
Longitude: -118.3112041

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