Description Civilian court-martial defense lawyers Richard V. Stevens and Frank J. Spinner are former active duty military JAG attorneys, each having served as senior level military defense lawyers. As civilian defense attorneys, they established their respective military defense law offices because, as former military officers, they care deeply about protecting and defending the rights of military members and their families, and ensuring they are treated with fairness and respect in the military justice system.

Mr. Stevens and Mr. Spinner travel around the world, to wherever their military clients are stationed or serving, to represent and defend them.
Address 8668 Navarre Parkway, Suite 162
United States of America
Phone number (800) 988-0602
Fax number (703) 997-1367
Practice areas Admiralty and Maritime Law, Military Law
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Submission Date 06:21:2015 (Edited)

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Latitude: 30.402883
Longitude: -86.86038610000003

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