Description McWalden & Bailey registered as Executive Legal Co.,Ltd is a full service independent law firm in Bangkok.

McWalden & Bailey functions as a vehicle to all business-minded individuals and entities who want to set up a business that suits the nature and structure of the establishment they need or have.

McWalden & Bailey provides a comprehensive range of legal services in Thailand, including corporate & business investment, visa & work permit, tax & accounting, labor, intellectual property, dispute resolution, litigation, real estate, notarization and translation services.
Address Suhkumvit Rd, Klong Teoy
Phone number +66 (0) 2 6532037/8
Fax number +66 (0) 2 6532039
Practice areas Business and Industry Law, Family Law, Immigration, Intellectual Property, Real Estate, Taxation Law
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Submission Date 11:28:2010 (Edited)

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Latitude: 13.7420985
Longitude: 100.5529747

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