Legal Bookshops
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Free Court Dockets provide access to all federal district civil, criminal, and bankruptcy courts, as well as the U.S. Supreme Court, Federal Court of Claims, and the Court of International Trade free of charge.
King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, United States of America 484-994-9425 Website
Lawcatalog is ALM Media's online catalog of US law and business books, legal news publications and legal market research.
Brooklyn, New York, United States of America (212) 457-4984 Website
Online legal bookshop that supplies law books, journals, looseleafs, CD's and online information services for legal professionals.
London, London, United Kingdom +44 (0) 20 7393 7000 Website
Wildy & Sons sells new, second-hand and antiquarian legal books and prints from Lincolns Inn, London, UK. Wildy & Sons ships law books world wide.
London, London, United Kingdom +44 (0) 20 7242 5778 Website