Dispute Resolution
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ADR Chambers is the UK arm of a worldwide alternative dispute resolution group which has successfully settled tens of thousands of cases around the globe, from Canada to Hong Kong, over the last decade.
London, United Kingdom +44 (0) 845 072 0111 Website
ADR Chambers International (ADRCI) is leading Canadian organization that specializes in international arbitration and mediation.Through the use of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules as supplemented by its own state of the art rules, ADRCI provides practitione
Toronto, Ontario, Canada (416) 362-8555 Website
The site contains substantial on-line materials for alternative dispute resolution and mediation.
The Section of Dispute Resolution is one of the ABA's newest and fastest growing sections with over 19,000 members.
Washington, District Of Columbia, United States of America (202) 662-1680 Website
The primary objective of the Campus Conflict Resolution Resources project is to significantly increase administrator, faculty, staff and student awareness of, access to, and use of conflict resolution information specifically tailored to the higher educat
(313) 993-7482 Website
CRInfo stands for 'conflict resolution information source.'
Boulder, Colorado, United States of America (303) 492-1635 Website
Mediate.com offers large directory of mediators and over 5,000 articles and resources on negotiation, mediation and collaboration.
Eugene, Oregon, United States of America (541) 345-1629 Website
The Office of Dispute Resolution is responsible for promoting and facilitating the broad and effective use of alternative dispute resolution processes by the Department of Justice and throughout the Executive Branch of the federal government.
Washington, District Of Columbia, United States of America 202-514-4601 Website