Business & Industry Law
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Access attorney and client filing data from your local bankruptcy districts. Discover who is filing, where they are filing and which attorneys are your biggest competition. Highlight local hot spots of filings in your area.
Hurst, Texas, United States of America 844-288-7881 Website
Current antitrust news and regulatory development.
(415) 774-3234 Website
| is a collective effort to share information and stimulate cooperation against bilateral trade and investment agreements that are opening countries to the deepest forms of penetration by transnational corporations.
California Lawyers for the Arts is a non-profit organization founded in 1974 to provide legal services to artists and members of the creative arts community. CLA empowers the creative community by providing education, representation and dispute resolution
Sacramento, California, United States of America 916-441-6210 Website
Pace Law School database on the CISG and International Commercial Law.
White Plains, New York, United States of America (914) 422-4002 Website
News, analysis and information on export controls, customs law, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, antidumping and other international trade issues.
Washington, District Of Columbia, United States of America (202) 431-2407 Website
Lex Mercatoria was the first website dedicated to a particular area of law, namely international commercial/trade lawThe primary area of interest remains international commercial law and international trade law, and electronic commerce and (mostly open st
LLCs are now the entity of choice for most new businesses. This site offers useful information about the advantages and disadvantages of an LLC, and compares LLCs to other entities such as corporations and partnerships.
TRALAC is a not-for-profit organisation, building trade law capacity in the Southern Africa region.TRALAC's mission is to build trade law capacity in southern Africa so that these countries can participate effectively in the global economy, to negotia
Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa +27 21 8802010 Website
TradeLawGuide was created by a team of trade lawyers, researchers and legal knowledge engineers so that WTO law could be researched in a methodical, comprehensive and efficient manner.TradeLawGuide allows you to rapidly search through thousands of documen
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (613) 369-4767 Website
Online digest and bibliography for transnational commercial law, the new lex mercatoria with thousands of comparative law references, many in full text format and largest bibliography on the lex mercatoria in the Internet.
Cologne, Germany +49 (221) 470-2327 Website
The United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) is a subsidiary body of the General Assembly of the United Nations with the general mandate to further the progressive harmonization and unification of the law of international trade.
Viena, Austria +43 (1) 26060-4060 Website
World Trade Law is intended to be of use to anyone around the world who is interested in international trade law issues.
Wellington, Florida, United States of America (202) 215-5990 Website