Description CT divorce attorney practicing divorce mediation, collaborative divorce, marital mediation, construction and civil mediation. Other services include wills and trusts, real estate transactions, prenuptial agreements and postnuptial agreements.

Connecticut Divorce Group strongly believes that divorce mediation and collaborative divorce is the premier method to resolve many types of disputes with the highest integrity and dignity, and is working hard to educate people about mediation, collaboration and constructive conflict resolution.
Address 427 Naubuc Avenue, Suite 108
United States of America
Phone number (860) 986-1141
Fax number (888) 845-1141
Practice areas Elder Law, Estate Planning and Probate, Family Law, Real Estate
  • 80/5
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4/5 based on 2 votes.
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Submission Date 06:23:2013 (Edited)

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Latitude: 41.7238515
Longitude: -72.6262285

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