Description If you or someone you know has recently been arrested for a criminal offense, it is imperative that you retain the immediate representation of the Law Office of Michael P. Sheehy, PLLC. As a trusted and reputable criminal defense law firm, you can be confident in the firm’s ability to effectively defend your rights and protect your future.

Lead attorney Sheehy is a former Snohomish County Deputy. As such, Mr. Sheehy knows the best defenses and arguments that will be successful with the prosecutor, judge, and jury. He is a solo practitioner with a devoted staff that works personally with each client. The firm focuses on providing high quality defense representation in every case and will make sure you are informed every step of the way. Put the firm’s extensive experience to work for you!
Address 19000 33rd Ave W, Suite 100
United States of America
Phone number 425-778-6900
Practice areas Criminal Law
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5/5 based on 1 vote.
Listing views 141 listing views.
Submission Date 05:31:2018 (Edited)

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Latitude: 47.826525
Longitude: -122.279098

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