Description If you are looking for legal representation in Port Townsend, Washington, then you have come to the right website. If Mr. Freeze cannot personally handle your issue, he will "associate in" an attorney with the specific skills that you require.

Greg Freeze helps clients in various areas of law, including wills, trusts, estate planning, power of attorney, advance directives, HIPAA waivers, elder law, probate, ancillary probate, real estate law, business law, landlord / tenant law, intellectual property, family law, and more.
Address 914 Washington St, Suite 3
Port Townsend
United States of America
Phone number 360-344-8100
Practice areas Business and Industry Law, Criminal Law, Elder Law, Employment Law, Estate Planning and Probate, Family Law, General Practice, Personal Injury, Real Estate, Tax Law
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Submission Date 03:02:2019 (Edited)

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Latitude: 48.1150447
Longitude: -122.7575701

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