Description Want to live or work in the United States? Our Los Angeles immigration lawyers can help you obtain a visa, green card or citizenship. We specialiaze in writ of mandamus lawsuits againts the USIS for the unesessary green card delays.

Joshua Goldstein and his top-rated team of immigration attorneys stand ready to work tirelessly for immigrants throughout Southern California, helping you broaden your horizons and achieve your life’s goals. If you work in the Los Angeles entertainment industry and have concerns regarding your immigration status, we welcome you to reach out to us.

We are wholly dedicated to ensuring the best possible outcome for you. We put above-average time and effort in understanding your case, and we are constantly reviewing new developments in the ever-changing field of immigration law, particularly as it pertains to individuals in “show business.”
Address 811 W 7th Street, 12th Floor
Los Angeles
United States of America
Phone number 213-262-2000
Practice areas Immigration
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Submission Date 06:27:2018 (Edited)

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Latitude: 34.04911
Longitude: -118.259027

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