Description When you or a loved one has suffered an injury or illness that requires the expertise of a hospital, clinic or emergency room, you depend on the trained medical professionals of these facilities to accurately diagnose your condition and to provide you with the best possible care. But when a doctor, nurse or other medical professional administers the wrong medication, makes a surgical mistake, misdiagnoses an illness or outright fails to diagnose a serious medical condition, the results can be irreversible and sometimes even fatal. The experienced medical malpractice attorneys at Berger & Lagnese, LLC understand just how serious and life-changing the effects of a medical negligence can be, which is why we fight to secure the most favorable outcome for every one of our clients.

The skilled medical malpractice attorneys at Berger & Lagnese, LLC will fight diligently to secure the maximum compensation available for your particular situation. Whether we pursue damages through a settlement or a lengthy jury trial, our dedication to you and your family will be the same across the board.

We seek to obtain the maximum settlement for our clients by investigating each case thoroughly. We do this by obtaining and carefully reviewing your medical records, interviewing all of the doctors, nurses, and other persons involved in causing your injuries, and by consulting with highly qualified experts to review the specifics of your case and to testify on your behalf. So contact us today to receive your free consultation and to find out more about the effective legal options available for your medical malpractice claim.
Address 310 Grant St, Suite 720
United States of America
Phone number (412) 471-4300
Fax number (412) 471-3116
Practice areas Health Care and Social Law, Personal Injury
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Submission Date 04:10:2017 (Edited)

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Latitude: 40.43770629999999
Longitude: -79.99746929999998

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