Description TJC ● ESQ, psc, located in Providence, RI, specializes in divorce, complex family law, and juvenile law. Our firm also stands up for children's rights against sexual abuse and clergy abuse.

Founding attorney, Timothy J. Conlon, has been representing clients for more than 30 years and is known for his advocacy of child abuse victims and those confronting divorce and other legal issues. All of the firm’s attorneys share his passion and determination to serving the needs of clients.

Since 1987, the firm has offered the skill, experience and resources necessary to effectively represent clients in complex divorce and family law cases throughout Rhode Island. In addition to the firm’s main office in Providence, appointments are also available in North Kingston, Newport, Wakefield and Warwick.
Address 1 Turks Head Place, Suite 420
Rhode Island
United States of America
Phone number (401) 216-4414
Practice areas Family Law
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Submission Date 07:28:2015 (Edited)

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Latitude: 41.824577
Longitude: -71.410049

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